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- Short: Chat Pager Using RexxReqTools Requestors
- Author: dotoran@bluemoon.net (david weeks)
- Uploader: dotoran@bluemoon.net (david weeks)
- Version: 5.20
- Type: comm/cnet
- Replace: aminet/comm/cnet/cnet_pager.lha
- Requires: AmigaOS 2/3.x, CNet, v3.05c or v4.45+ Only!
- Distribution: anywhere, everywhere, please mirror!
- v5.20 updated the getusers which changed in the 4.4x series.
- v5.13 updated the getusers which changed in the 4.26dR2 version, as well
- as using a new hybrid ARexx SendOLM routine, which includes the new
- Time Stamping used by CNet Amiga, v4.26e!
- v5.12 updated the getusers which changed in the 4.26a version, as well as
- fixing two 3.05 getusers. The SendOLM routine was also fixed to rid
- that "cnet version string" spillover.
- v5.11 fixed a bug that suppressed the requestor display. Also added in CNet
- Amiga, v3.05c compatibility!
- v5.10 written to work under CNet Amiga, v4.25+
- A NEW Chat command written specifically for CNet Amiga, v4.22. It will
- perform the same function as CNet's built-in chat function, however also
- gives the SysOp MANY, MANY more functions they can perform!
- Version 5.00 allows for Multiple SysOps, so after the Pager has been set
- up, the user will be asked WHICH SysOp they wish to Page.
- After the reason has been entered, a requestor will pop up on the FRONT
- MOST screen shortly after the specified SOUND file has been played, and
- the specified SPEECH has been orated. This requestor tells you which port
- requested the chat, the date and time the chat request was made, any SysOp
- Comment on file, the handle and real name of the user, and the reason why
- they wish to chat.
- There is also the option to have CNet use the CC command to send a
- "Chat Request OLM" if a SysOp happens to be somewhere online, instead of
- being disturbed by an annoying requestor. This will ONLY be done if the
- requesting user has ACCESS to use the CC command. If they do NOT have
- access to use CC, then a regular page will be attempted.
- If you are NOT available, Pager will display your custom "SysOp OUT"
- reason for that HOUR of that DAY. All 24 hours of all 7 days can receive a
- unique "SysOp OUT" reason. (Using MCI Commands, you could even have the
- reason display a TEXT file if you feel a more lengthy reason is needed at
- times.)
- On the Chat Page Requestor are eight buttons, described below:
- "Chat" - [ Uses "C" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~
- - Will alert the user you are coming to chat with them by sending them
- a "System OLM Message". (These messages interrupt into whatever the
- user is currently doing, provided their current activity isn't set to
- block these OLM's). System OLM Messages can NOT be responded to.
- "OLM" - [ Uses "O" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~
- - Allows you to send a customized System OLM to the user, instead of
- actually having to chat with them. After selecting this button, you'll
- be given another requestor with three buttons: (Use the RAMIGA key in
- conjunction with the alternative key to activate these buttons).
- "Send" - [ Use RAMIGA - S as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~
- - The text entered in the string gadget will be sent to the
- user as a System OLM Message. Normally, you'd simply press
- RETURN to send the text, but you CAN press SEND instead.
- - Pressing RETURN with NO text in the string gadget will
- activate the IGNORE button, which functions the EXACT same
- way as the main IGNORE button, described below.
- "Cancel" - [ Use RAMIGA - C as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~~~
- - This will abort the sending of the OLM Message, and return
- you to the main Pager Requestor, allowing you to make a
- different choice on what you'd like to do for/to the user.
- "Ignore" - [ Uses RAMIGA - I as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~~~
- - Acts the same as the IGNORE button described below.
- - This button will also be activated if you press RETURN
- with NO text in the string gadget!
- - While you're sitting in the String Gadget, you can activate any of
- the buttons by pressing RAMIGA-Hot Key, as defined above.
- "FSend" - [Uses "F" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~~
- - Will give you a file requestor you can use to ADD files to the user's
- Select Buffer.
- - Use the MOUSE to select multiple files by holding down the SHIFT key,
- then selecting those files you wish to add.
- - Use the Up and Down arrows with RETURN if you'll only be adding ONE
- file, as an alternative to using the mouse.
- - Click the "Done" button(or press RAMIGA-D) to complete the procedure.
- - As many of the files will be added to the user's Select Buffer as are
- possible. This means if you have it set in your CNET CONFIG that users
- can only select 10 files at a time, and you specify you wish to add 20
- files to the user's Select Buffer, only the first 10 files would be
- added(provided the user's Select Buffer was EMPTY to start with). If
- this should ever occur, the OLM that is sent to the user will let them
- know what has occurred.
- - The user will be charged for the download, based on your setting in
- the Pager CONFIG file. Certain config settings may also provide you
- with additional requestors allowing you to select specific costs for
- each individual file.
- - The file will be killed after the download, also based on your
- setting in the Pager CONFIG file. Again, additional requestors MAY be
- provided for you to select specific kill settings for each file IF
- you have it set that way in the config file.
- "Terminate" - [ Uses "T" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~~~~~~
- - Will immediately drop that user's time remaining to 0, then drop
- carrier. (For those users who continually hound you to Chat!)
- - This will happen for ANY user, INCLUDING those with INFINITE time,
- and INCLUDING those with "System Operator" status!
- - A System OLM message will be sent to the user, with a slight pause
- after sending it, so that the user will be sure to SEE it before the
- program terminates their connection.
- "Gone In 5" - [ Uses "G" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~~~~~~
- - Similar to the above, but will allow the user 5 minutes to finish up
- anything they may have been doing(Posting, Responding, etc.)
- - This will happen for ANY user, INCLUDING those with INFINITE time,
- and INCLUDING those with "System Operator" status!
- "Unavailable" - [ Uses "U" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- - Will inform the user you are no longer available to chat, and will
- additionally disable the "Sysop is in" checkmark for that port. More
- information on this below.
- "Busy" - [ Uses "B" as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~
- - Similar to the above, but will simply tell the user you are too BUSY
- to chat, while still maintaining your "Sysop is in" status.
- "Ignore" - [ Uses RETURN as an alternative to the mouse! ]
- ~~~~~~
- - Will deactivate the requestor, WITHOUT alerting the user you are
- doing so. (If you simply do NOT want to be bothered).
- Whenever any of the above buttons has been pressed, the requestor will
- be removed from the screen, and the appropriate action(s) will be performed,
- as well as the "Reason" for chatting being removed from CNet memory, which
- means it should stop flashing in the Control Panel window.
- The user is "told" of the action you've taken in the form of a colorized
- System OLM that will be sent. When the "Ignore" option is used, NO OLM's are
- sent to the user. When the "OLM" button is used, the default bbstext colors
- will be used when sending the olm message.
- -- Written by Dotoran of Frontiers --
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 7836 3781 51.7% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Boing.snd
- 4674 3300 29.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Click.snd
- 920 825 10.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Drop.snd
- 1750 1621 7.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Droplet.snd
- 3810 3090 18.8% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Magic.snd
- 3590 2998 16.4% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Metal.snd
- 2210 1607 27.2% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Monkey.snd
- 418 418 0.0% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Pop.snd
- 386 386 0.0% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Pop_II.snd
- 2072 1880 9.2% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Quack.snd
- 3342 3255 2.6% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Smack.snd
- 2046 1886 7.8% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Sosumi.snd
- 66260 22708 65.7% 15-Mar-98 13:23:58 +!PagerREADME.guide
- 175 16 90.8% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Availabilities
- 34 34 0.0% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Def
- 24 10 58.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Fri
- 24 10 58.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Mon
- 2374 2138 9.9% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Whip.snd
- 1572 1542 1.9% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Wild_Eep.snd
- 1249 522 58.2% 15-Mar-98 12:56:00 +!Read_Me_First!
- 24 10 58.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Sat
- 24 10 58.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Sun
- 24 10 58.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Thu
- 24 10 58.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Tue
- 24 10 58.3% 10-Mar-97 13:17:48 +Out.Wed
- 7327 2981 59.3% 15-Mar-98 12:10:26 +Pager
- 1042 545 47.6% 15-Mar-98 11:30:10 +PagerAMaint
- 11358 4268 62.4% 15-Mar-98 12:54:26 +PagerChat
- 207 159 23.1% 15-Mar-98 12:55:28 +File_ID.Diz
- 271 190 29.8% 15-Mar-98 12:55:10 +PagerCleanUp
- 24357 6673 72.6% 15-Mar-98 09:54:54 +PagerConfig
- 339 231 31.8% 15-Mar-98 13:00:30 +PagerConfigF
- 51 51 0.0% 05-May-97 13:49:46 +PagerKILL.sc
- 46 46 0.0% 05-May-97 13:49:46 +PagerKILL.scx
- 7743 2863 63.0% 15-Mar-98 10:04:18 +PagerMaint
- 27237 10460 61.5% 15-Mar-98 13:27:58 +!PagerHISTORY.guide
- 7387 2772 62.4% 15-Mar-98 10:08:16 +PagerSysAvail
- 2312 1133 50.9% 15-Mar-98 12:57:06 +PagerUpdate
- 58328 30649 47.4% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +Scripit
- 11228 5835 48.0% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +Sound
- 38684 21488 44.4% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +Xit
- 69 69 0.0% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +SPEAK
- 481 263 45.3% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +SPEAK.info
- 94 84 10.6% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +mountlist
- 65760 33859 48.5% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +narrator.device
- 4188 2243 46.4% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +speak-handler
- 43628 28530 34.6% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +reqtools.library
- 11664 6534 43.9% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +rexxreqtools.library
- 1031 468 54.6% 15-Mar-98 13:25:36 !Frontiers
- 1249 522 58.2% 15-Mar-98 12:56:00 !Read_Me_First!
- 207 159 23.1% 15-Mar-98 12:55:28 File_ID.Diz
- 2312 1133 50.9% 15-Mar-98 12:57:06 PagerUpdate
- 10524 5715 45.6% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +translator.library
- 6220 3388 45.5% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +Say
- 486 270 44.4% 10-Mar-97 13:53:58 +Say.info
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 450716 225658 49.9% 17-Mar-98 05:02:06 55 files